About me

My name is Catrine.
Welcome to my travel blog. I’m so glad you found me! 🙂
I left the IT-business after 15 years and did a one year course in travel and tourisme. I was about to start my new career in june 2020, but as everybody know, that did not work out as planned due to the Covid pandemic.
In an attempt to stay “connected” with the travel business and to have something to show my future employers, I decided to start a travel blog.
Since I could not travel, during the pandemic, some of the previous articles were written with archived pictures. Thankfully we have had the chance to travel a bit again.
I am francofile and I fulfilled a lifelong dream of aquiring a house in France in 2018. My blog will be mostly about France and Europe, since that is the area I want to specialise in. This will not be the place where you find the most exotic travels, but I hope to be a go to place for France and all things French eventually!
I have since I started this blog, finally gotten a job in the travel industry. That means less time to actually travel and less time to write my blog, but still the opportunity for some travels both on the job and during the holidays.
Welcome to my blog. I hope you will find it interesting!
You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook too.
Kind regards, Catrine